For all of you that have a love and respect for nature that in turn creates the desire to come in contact with it, become familiar with the cultivation and harvesting process of the olive tree, most probably have your “own little field”, but have never had the motivation or the time, “olive’s tree adoption” offers you a unique opportunity. Through our program you can become farmers from your home or your office, gaining highly beneficial experiences through the interesting process of the cultivation of the olive tree, such as having your own olive oil at home every year, along with the well-known health benefits

About the adoption.
“Olive’s tree adoption”, which is pioneered this year, has to do with the “adoption of olive trees”, which will grow and bear fruits thanks to the financial support of the “foster parent” in question..
Adoption process.
First, we should note that you do not have to register necessarily. You can become a foster parent by just visiting our website. It is an easy and simple process. Just click on the shop category and you find yourselves in the olive trees of our five olive groves. You choose the quartet of olive trees you desire, and you are immediately presented with all the information regarding your choice. You then select the quantity, and you add to basket. Afterwards as you select ‘checkout’, your details form is displayed concerning the delivery of your order. Next, you agree with the terms of use of the website and click on ‘place order’. You immediately receive an e-mail in the email address you provided us with stating your unique order number. In this email there is information about the deposit of the sum for your adoption. After confirming your deposit, we send you the private agreement related to your contract, signed on our behalf. After you sign it on your behalf as well, you forward it to us. Therefore, both sides will have a copy of the now signed private agreement. That was it!!! If you become “foster parents” eventually, you are offered the possibility to name both the place where they are (mini olive grove) and every single olive tree or even take pictures with them after a visit. However, apart from the personal interest, this adoption can constitute a great act of charity, by donating your “adopted” olive trees to schools, orphanages, hospitals, nursing homes and other charitable foundations.

Harvesting period.
The olive tree harvesting period begins in late October and is completed in late January, depending on the olive tree variety and the weather conditions. During this period, we take on all the processes that have to do with the olive tree harvesting, the transfer of the fruits from our “little field” to the oil extraction. Each foster parent, individually or with their family or friends, has the right to contribute to the olive tree harvesting process, using the equipment we will provide them with, and visit the oil press, watching the production process of olive oil in person. After the completion of the oil extraction stage, the “foster parent” receives their own oil in a packaged form, from “their own adopted little field”, along with a wreath made of the branches of their own “adopted” olive trees. For anyone who is not able to participate in the process above, we deliver the olive oil to their house on their behalf (For the citizens of the European Union shipping is free).
Production guarantee and amount of olive oil received.
The amount of olive oil each “foster parent” will receive upon the completion of the olive tree harvesting will amount to 6 liters (from your adopted olive trees). In case the weather conditions negatively affect the production, we guarantee the minimum production per 4 trees, which will never be below 6 liters of olive oil.
Information and contact.
We are committed to keeping you thoroughly updated and informed about the processes and the growth of your olive trees, via e-mail, through pictures, videos, live streaming and any other means you wish, so that we can solve any query that may arise regarding the olive trees. But your update would definitely be full of beautiful emotions if you and your family also visited the olive groves!
Adoption cost.
The adoption cost amounts to 250 euros per 4 olive trees for each growing season. Think about the great benefits you gain from the whole process with only 0.69 euros a day.

The benefits you gain from the program.
- Familiarization with the “blessed” olive tree and its cultivation.
- Comprehension of the production process of the olive oil from the olive tree fruit.
- Close contact with nature and the ways to protect the environment.
- Your olive oil, packaged and named.
- Olive wreath from your own olive trees.
- Individual tour around the olive groves.
- Educational seminars after a visit.
- Discounts ranging from 15% to 60% on lodgings, hotels, restaurants, supply stations (gas stations) and tourist shops in our area.