Welcome to the irrigated Mantalas olive grove, which produces the Koroneiki variety and is located in the village of Agia Triada (or Merbakas), Argolis, within a 10-minute distance from the center of Argos towards Nafplio.

The origin of the name “Mantalas” is unknown and is not associated with a particular legend. However, the village of Merbakas was probably named after the surname of William of Moerbeke (1215-around 1286), who was a Frankish Catholic (Latin) prefect, Catholic bishop of Korinth and a great scholar and philhellene from the Netherlands.
In 2007 Thodoris’ father, Konstantinos Salapatas, planted 155 olive trees in the area of Mantalas, exploiting the fertile red soil of the area. That way, he created an irrigated olive grove, aiming at superior taste and quality.

The biodiversity of the place with a few cypresses, pine trees and mainly orange trees an olive trees, as well as animals such as tortoises, hares, rabbits, cats, dogs, weasels, badgers and a few donkeys, might not be distinguished for originality, however, the harmonious coexistence of these common plant and animal species is evidence that nature provides its services with quality, the one we seek for our olive oil.
Given the huge role the conservation of biodiversity plays in our life and health, we adamantly refuse to be involved in its loss through the use of chemical substances and pesticides, which, unfortunately, are now inextricably linked to the agricultural production. This is the big challenge we pose to ourselves and the people that trust us.